St. Paddy's Day Tournament
$200 per team of 5
Includes: all you can drink beer, all you can eat buffet, entry in tournament
100% of 1,100 team handicap
10th Annual Sweetheart Bowling Tournament
10th Annual Sweetheart Bowling Tournament February 26th 2022
9 Pin No Tap Trios League
Every Other Sunday
January 9th - April 17th
8 weeks of Bowling - $10 per week - HDCP 80% of 220
New Year's Day Classic
5 games across 10 lanes with total pins determining the winner
Entry Fee: $60 - $10 Lineage, $50 Prize Fund - Prize Fund based on 40 Entries
1st place - $600 2nd place - $400
3rd place - $250 4th place - $200
5th place - $160 6th place - $140
7th place - $130 8th place - $120
New Year’s Eve Specials
3 games: $6.50 before 5PM
$20/HR or 3 games: $14.00 after 5PM
$10.99 - 1 Topping Pizza
$10 Busch Bucket
$4 Frozen Strawberry Daiquiris, Wine Slushies, & Margs
*No Reservations
Flock 2 the Box
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.